RARE Cooling Paint

Reduces surface temperature by 10–40°C

to approximately the temperature of the shade. Reduces room temperature and saves at least 30% on cooling energy.

The cooling mechanism of RARE Cooling Paint is based on Skyactive nano microparticles.


Solar radiation spectrum (blue): At a temperature of 5000°C, the sun radiates strongly in the visible range of 0.3 – 0.7µm and the infrared range of 0.7 – 3µm, as shown by the blue line in the image. During summer, this heat can reach up to 1000W. To avoid absorbing this heat, surfaces need to reflect over 90% in the 0.3 – 3µm range.

Atmospheric transmission spectrum (yellow): Atmospheric gas molecules absorb strongly, especially in the 5 – 8µm range. However, the 8 – 14µm range is completely transparent. If a surface radiates strongly in this 8 – 14µm range, it will have a radiative imbalance compared to most surrounding surfaces. Cooling through radiation based on this imbalance can potentially reduce heat by 100W/m².

Radiation spectrum of RARE Cooling Paint (red): RARE Cooling Paint exhibits multiple peaks in the 8 – 14µm range, demonstrating strong thermal radiation in this range. This radiation is not absorbed but instead passes directly out into space, causing a radiative imbalance. To cool down to air temperature, RARE Cooling Paint also possesses the ability to reflect solar thermal radiation.

The prototype steel house, 2×2 square meters

always maintains a temperature equal to or lower than the surrounding environment. During nighttime when there is no sunlight, the prototype house is cooler than the air by up to 5°C. On hot sunny days, the prototype house consistently stays at or below the air temperature, with a temperature difference of up to 40°C compared to a steel house without RARE Cooling Paint.

In the temperature graph:

  • Red: Represents the temperature of steel house without RARE cooling paint.
  • Gray: Represents the temperature of air in the shade.
  • Green: Represents the temperature of air around a steel house coated with RARE Cooling Paint.
  • Blue: Represents the temperature of the roof of a steel house coated with RARE Cooling Paint.

The temperature of the steel house with RARE (green) paint compared to the air temperature (red) over several consecutive days.

In 2023